Thursday, October 25, 2012


Published today via TJL-2080's Facebook

All throughout the 19th and early 20th Centuries, many of the biggest celebrities in the world were scientists and inventors. Bell, Curie, Einstein, Edison, Tesla, even Howard Hughes, to an extent. People were excited about new scientific discoveries. It was big news when someone discovered something or made something. Now? There is almost a scientific illiteracy happening, worldwide. Especially here in the United States. But even in other developed "First World" countries.

Take, for example, the absolutely ridiculous story the other day about the group of scientists who were sentenced to 6 YEARS in prison for manslaughter because...they didn't predict a major earthquake. Yes, this happened. Here's the story...

Here in the US, people actively ridicule science, and seem PROUD to not even know the name of the galaxy we live in. The presidential nominees answer all sorts of questions about their religions and base their policies on their religious convictions, but refuse to go on record with their policies on science topics. People are pulling their kids out of school and homeschooling them because they disagree with schools "forcing" their children to learn about Evolution.

This is about to reach epidemic proportions. Any ideas how to stop the bleeding? Please leave comments below if you do...

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